and sexuality
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Relationships, love and sexuality are issues which
humanity continues to struggle to fully understand. Without a new spiritual
understanding of love and sexuality we will continue to suffer, relationships
will fail and the true happiness love can bring will continue to be an
unreachable dream.
The teaching shows that men and women are reflections
of the divine principles which like the union of spirit and matter create a
very powerful union which raises their love to new heights and is a source of
inspiration for all.

Sexual energy is a great gift, the source of our life
force and supports the continuation of humanity.
It can be likened to combustible fuel which if used wisely and directed towards a spiritual ideal propels us to a higher form of love which brings lasting joy, inspiration and fulfilling relationships.
It can be likened to combustible fuel which if used wisely and directed towards a spiritual ideal propels us to a higher form of love which brings lasting joy, inspiration and fulfilling relationships.
“The sexual force is
a gift from God, it is we who must learn how to use it. Countries which have
great deposits of coal or oil under their soil have become immensely rich
because they make use of their resources. Those who do not know how to use
them, burn them. In the same way, the sexual force is an energy which we must
learn to use so that we can turn on the lights, light the fires and set all the
engines within us in motion.”
Whether one chooses to be single or in a relationship,
sublimation of the sexual force is a work which reaps immeasurable rewards.
Repression or promiscuity both have undesirable consequences but there is a
third solution. With a commitment to a high spiritual ideal and by linking
ourselves to our soul and spirit we can transform our sexual energy to develop
our fullest potential as human beings and to bring heaven down to earth.

Satisfaction of the sexual instinct is one of the
greatest sources of pleasure a human being experiences – but it comes at a
price and is transitory. By changing our attitude towards intimate relations,
and considering them a spiritual work, then pleasures of a more lasting and
divine nature can be experienced.
“The secret of
control, the secret of sublimation, is to seek work not pleasure. You say “But
suppose I hold my love in my arms… what’s the point if I’m not looking for
There can be joy, there can be inspiration, there can be wonder and ecstasy, if you have a heightened consciousness …. is that not more than pleasure? When a man and woman are together sharing a divine emotion, without being carried away, then their communion, this tenderness between them, is something so expressive, so beautiful. It is a form of pleasure of course, but superior pleasure, something divine which makes them immortal.”
There can be joy, there can be inspiration, there can be wonder and ecstasy, if you have a heightened consciousness …. is that not more than pleasure? When a man and woman are together sharing a divine emotion, without being carried away, then their communion, this tenderness between them, is something so expressive, so beautiful. It is a form of pleasure of course, but superior pleasure, something divine which makes them immortal.”
“The Kingdom of God
will only come on earth when human love is made more spiritual. May those who
are enlightened and who have a high ideal in love, know they can work for the
Kingdom of God with their sexual energy. May they love each other, embrace each
other, but always with the idea that this love is dedicated to the realization
of something divine. If they do this, they will produce such beautiful
emanations that the angels themselves will be amazed and in their delighted
wonder, will bring all sorts of gifts to lovers.
The quotes above are taken from: